Saturday, October 23, 2021

Let's get geographical!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Taxarkana is half dry, half not, or used to be anyway. I don't recall which side is which, but they used various dodges on the "dry" side. I went into a restaurant there once and the hostess walked me through a door with a "Members only beyond this point" sign and I nervously asked how one became a member.

    "Oh, by walkin' through that door" she replied.

    Their main post office is on the border, so half is in the TX and the other is in AR. I have no idea which state your mail is postmarked in.

  3. I was warned about that little bit of interstate in Georgia, they had a law regarding semis (a length limit or something, I don't remember) and would take your trailer, ship it back to your truck yard collect via rail and give you a big fine.

  4. I loved this. I have a brain full of trivia anyway, so this is a wonderful addition to my collection.

  5. I was particularly intrigued by that little dollop of Kentucky that's cut off from the rest of the state.
