Wednesday, November 17, 2021

OSHA throws in the towel

"OSHA Suspends Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate After Court Block".

"Curses! Foiled again!"


  1. I was not looking forward to being fired.
    My job sent a letter saying that if they were told to they were gonna enforce it.

  2. I wonder how many businesses will still try to force the mandates on employees? If they do so without the "governing authority" of a legitimate presidential order or statute, or some other piece of federal bullying, can the employees take legal action against their employers?

  3. OSHA is merely complying with the court order. That does not mean they have given up. This issue will undoubtedly make it to SCOTUS where not even God knows how they will rule.

  4. I'm vaccinated so I don't really have a dog in this fight anymore, but I absolutely do not believe in mandates, nor do I believe in giving the COVID vaccine to children. I'm not getting the booster either. This whole pandemic thing was overblown for political reasons in the first place and the hysterical push to vaccinate every living creature is just a money grab by Big Pharma.

  5. Ah Rebecca, but are you vaccinated enough?
