Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Americans are dying at an alarming rate

"People are dying, but not the ones you think for the reasons you think".


  1. I know several questionable deaths my age, like stroke due to undiagnosed hyptertension due to lockdown and virus fear mid 2020 (what to speak of the suicides). But that insurance co is talking about younger working age people.

    It's difficult to fathom how large numbers of young people can be dying unnecessarily from govt policy, while they stoically accept it or even act as regime capos.

  2. The Dems: Probably just anecdotal evidence. If it is happening, it's Trump's fault.

    Seriously though, would it be that hard to determine what they are dying from? You would think they would be trying to blame covid for most of them.

  3. I’ve viewed the COVID reporting with plenty of suspicion from nearly the start. This confirms my suspicions that due to incompetence or malignancy (perhaps both), we’ve been fed a whole lot of crap.

    The primary reason why I see this as very alarming is the the numbers aren’t filtered through public health agencies. It’s coming from a source independent of the government “statisticians”. I believe it’s closer to the truth.

  4. Jeffs: I agree. Private insurance companies don't survive by being bad at statistical analysis.

  5. I don't know what the truth is (and I certainly don't trust anything our betters are trying to tell us), but I know the frustrations of the last two years are enough to kill me.
