Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Very disappointing

I read over at Ace's place today that Ted Cruz, sadly, had referred to the January 6th incident as "terrorist violence".

Unless he was talking about the behavior of some of the police - and he wasn't - this pretty much kills the guy's credibility for me. This kind of thing simply plays into the hands of the real insurrectionists, the Democrats, who, one way or another, mean to deprive us of our freedom.

It may be time to shed all ideological trappings and party labels and opt for pure awesomeness in government. It may be time for...


  1. Yeah, I saw that, and just thought, "Well, he's dead to most of the electorate."

  2. Cruz lost me years ago when he and Glen Beck went to the southern border to welcome "migrants" with soccer balls and Teddy bears.

  3. I watched some of the January 6 Committee investigation proceedings on CSPN. Ted Cruz was shocking and outrageous. His caricaturization of the event as a "riot" puts him in lockstep with the Left.

    Questions, Mr. Cruz: when has a riot ever produced no damage inside the building? There is no damage to paintings and sculptures. People walking (walking, Mr. Cruz) in the rotunda stayed inside the velvet ropes. The so-called Q Anon shaman and friends who were in the chamber (I believe it was the House) were taking pictures, posing at the Majority Leader's seat when they were approached by police. The exchange was quiet and civil, and everyone departed. Is that the action of terrorists.

    As someone who spent many years of doing weekly rallies to counter the Left, I would bet that any violence on January 6 was perpetrated by the Left. This is not to say that there are not those on the Right who can't get out-of-hand, but that is the exception rather than the norm.

    Mr. Cruz can no longer be trusted. He has destroyed his credibility and trustworthiness in one fell swoop. I feel bad for his staffers who are bearing the brunt of the ire. He should listen in. I'd suggest a townhall, but he would only do further damage by having to appear from behind a plexiglass barrier.

    1. I commented before reading Ace. I feel smarter knowing that I was thinking in line with Ace.

  4. I haven't seen the video. Was he being sarcastic when he said that? That would be the only reason he would reasonably have to say that. Oh, well, another one bites the dust.

    1. Cruz wasn't being sarcastic. If he was, I didn't see it. It's possible his position was to score points with a segment of voters that believe the lies surrounding January. He has stated the willingness to run for President. Maybe Cruz believes there are more lie believers than truth seekers.

  5. Cruz showed who he was in 2016, I was for him until I figured out he was just one of the GOP's chief distractors, he pounds the table, DEMANDING ACTION!, with the best of them.

  6. I just saw that he was on Tucker Carlson and apologized. "I was wrong."
    I don't know if he cried.
    The comments at Citizen Free Press are pretty much, "Bite me Ted."
    Same as mine.
    As one so eloquently put it, you can't unring that bell.

  7. I was a Cruz guy but oh well, I voted for Trump, and was pleasantly surprised. I was still a Cruz guy until yesterday.

  8. I just saw a little of the clip.
    He said was taken out of context! He ran out of gas! He got a flat tire! He didn’t have change for cab fare! He lost his tux at the cleaners! He locked his keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole his car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T HIS FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

    I may have edited the quote.
    For clarity.

  9. *drops M16*

    "oohh,Ted" smooch

  10. I think Ted Cruz can kiss his presidential aspirations goodbye. I guess he saw the DeSantis writing on the wall and thought, well, maybe he could get some traction from the left. Unfortunately for him, that never works out well, and now he's just another shooting range dummy for the Republicans.
