Tuesday, January 18, 2022

And now, a word from our sponsor



rinardman said...

This reminds me of when I was real little, and my Grandma Agnes had a hen house (not a coop, a real 20X30 henhouse). I doubt it was this brand, but she fed them something similar, and I can remember the smell of that chicken feed to this day. I would brave the stink of the chickens to go up the stairs to the attic just to enjoy the smell of the feed she stored up there.

I also remember when it was time for fried chicken she would pick out one of the chickens and bring it out and deftly remove its head with an ax. I didn't realize till I was a little older that it was creepy how the headless body would flop around for a few seconds after the chop. At that age I thought it was just funny.

Paco said...

Thanks for sharing that memory. I had to look up egg mash to see exactly what it was. I liked the picture of the bag, though. It's the kind of thing my paternal grandmother would have had in her kitchen as a dish towel.

Ma Paco told me a story one time about how, when she was a little girl, one of the chickens was chasing her around the yard trying to peck her, and her mother came outside, grabbed it by the neck, gave it a quick jerk and they had chicken for supper.

My great uncle Jesse kept a still in a chicken coop (shades of Snuffy Smith!), and eventually got caught; did some time in jail. This was a bit of an embarrassment to Old Paco, since he was a revenooer (of course, he worked in another jurisdiction).

Veeshir said...

So shouldn't your sponsor be sour mash?

tom said...

family stories say my great grandma was a moonshiner; fed the spent mash to the chickens; happiest chickens in town!!!

RebeccaH said...

I remember my grandmother snapping the necks of chickens in her back yard by swinging and jerking, when I was very young and staying with her for a day. My mother was appalled when she found out. I think they had words.

Stephen Skubinna said...

The brand name is amusing. If you watch Cowboy Kent Rollins on YouTube, he has two phrases to refer to chicken eggs. One is "Rooster Bullet," the other is "Cackle Berry."

Paco said...

V: Sour mash would be more appropriate.

tom: Adding the ingredients for bourbon chicken while the chicken's still alive; ingenious!

Stephen: Thanks for the Cowboy Kent Rollins reference; the guy's a hoot.

Deborah said...

Well thankfully Old Paco worked in another jurisdiction, otherwise it might've been more embarrassing. Arresting one's relatives usually is.

Deborah said...

That was the "secret ingredient" to her prize winning fried chicken.

Deborah said...

And adding the ingredients while alive is a time saver. Plus, if the condemned gets one last dose he or she will go out happy.

here said...
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