Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Quite possibly the biggest benefit of moving from Richmond to Fairfax, Virginia...

...when I was working in DC was the ability to stay completely off of I-95. It is frequently traffic hell, but in conditions such as this, the trip is maddening: "Interstate I-95 Shut Down in Virgina All Night as Drivers Stuck in Cars for 11 Hours in East Coast Blizzard".

Update  Hey, according to various leftists, and Jonah Goldberg (a distinction without a difference), new Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin is to blame for people being stranded in a blizzard on I-95 for 10 or more hours. Umm, the thing is, Youngkin hasn't been sworn in yet. That's right, the governor is still Ralph "Coonman" Northam.

Update II  Amtrak is having problems, too: "Snow stalls Amtrak in Virginia, with excruciating delays". And believe me: you don't know the meaning of "excruciating delay" until you've experienced one on Amtrak. H/T: Paco


  1. Btw, how's that global warming thing coming along?

  2. She said I can't go back to America soon
    It's so goddamn cold it's gonna snow until June
    Yeah, they're freezin' up in Buffalo stuck in their cars
    And I'm lyin' here 'neath the sun and the stars.

    -- Manana, Jimmy Buffett

  3. The funniest part?
    Think of the people stuck in the HOV lanes paying the fees for 11 hours of not moving.

    I bet it was a high-fee time too.

  4. Here's my favorite part about the the snowpocalypse in Northern Virginia.
