Wednesday, January 19, 2022

We know about George Soros and his pet politicians

Now, let's take a look at some of his pet generals.

So, we've got wanna-be military dictators champing at the bit to go after normal people slandered as domestic terrorists, and close to half of all Democrats wanting to lock the unvaccinated up. Maybe the two groups are planning some kind of pincer movement. 

This spells one thing for me...


Veeshir said...

Don't you mean a poncer movement?

JeffS said...

Yeah, they're collaborating, for sure. Whether they truly have the means to pull it off, or it's a lot of hot air, remains to be seen.

In the meantime, yeah, more ammo.

RebeccaH said...

I strongly suspect that poll about the Democrats wanting to lock the unvaccinated up or take away their kids was skewed to get the percentages they wanted. But then again ...

As for the generals, they must be some of those replacements for the conservatives Obama purged years ago. They're now of retirement age, so I hope we'll be rid of that cohort soon, but there's no guarantee what's coming up behind them will be any better. It may take a generation to repair the damage.

shall said...
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