Sunday, May 15, 2022

And suddenly, I knew no more

It has been a bit of a rough day. I turned in late last night with an excruciating stomach ache, and around 6:30 in the morning I went to the bathroom. I noticed that my breathing was labored, and that was pretty much the last thing I remember before blacking out. For good measure I fell down and hit my head on the floor, knocking myself unconscious. When I came to, Mrs. Paco was kneeling beside me calling an ambulance. The EMS people arrived pretty quickly and took my vital signs. Everything came out all right, and they opined that I was probably suffering from a stomach bug that's going around in Brunswick County. 

After resting all day, I am pleased to report that I feel much better, save for a big goose egg on my noggin and some very sore stomach muscles (odd, actually, since I did not experience any of the nasty symptoms one normally associates with a stomach bug - no nausea, no diarrhea, just pain, which I suppose was due primarily to some kind of inflammation). 


bruce said...

Wish you smooth recovery.

We got Covid* in March, from our fully vaxed son attending a school reunion where everyone would have been vaxed - and he was a bit sicker than we were. It was like flu but lasted longer. Right after that we got some kind of flu, which was worse than the previous Covid with vertigo and delerium. Now back to normal. Some weird bugs going around, which you'd expect after so much isolation.

*We know the first virus was Covid because our son had tests. He flew in and out from Munich so he needed them (but caught Covid in highly vaxed Australia). The worse flu we got after he left, so could have been Covid or whatever, really don't care. We kept up our mineral supplements and took 'tylenol' for aches (we call it Panadol). If that's a pandemic then the world would have died out long ago.

PS, we tried to persuade our boy to leave Europe, but nope. He's holidaying in Portugal now - he worked on his laptop for his Munich job while here. Kids grow up and make their own choices I guess.

Gregoryno6 said...

Glad to hear you're still with us. Watch that head!

rinardman said...

Dang, Paco, sounds like you're getting old, or something.

My body will soon be 69, but I think the main problem is that my mind is stuck at 25 or 30. That seems to cause my old body a lot of problems, as it doesn't want to acknowledge it's the same age and adjustments need to be made.

JeffS said...

Ummmmm…… not that I want to worry you or anything, Paco, but have you had your appendix removed?

I ask because your symptoms are similar to mine, save I didn’t pass out (although that would have been welcome), I did have nausea….. and my appendix was close to bursting. I checked myself into the hospital, had a CT scan, blood tests, etc, and was promptly rolled into surgery.

That was last year. The surgery went well, although I spent a weekend in the hospital, the surgeon being concerned about infections (see above).

Just saying, is all.

If it ain’t your appendix, WHEW! Glad to hear you’re mending!

Deborah said...

Thank God you're still with us! Guess he wanted the reminder to be understood, and taken to heart. At least you came away with only a goose egg, painful muscles, and an EMS bill. Bathrooms are dangerous.

RebeccaH said...

Yikes, Mr. Paco sir! I hope you are well on the mend. Do take care, you are valuable to us.

Veeshir said...

Glad to hear you're okay Paco.

I've seen what you had before, the latinate name is 'agita'.

I used to give it to my parents and grandparents all the time.

Zardoz said...

¡Hola! SeƱor Paco,

Welcome to your "golden years". Why didn't anyone tell us what it would really be like?

Glad to hear that you're on the mend.

JeffS said...


"A little worse than suspected"

"I don’t know how to access my eblogger acct from my telephone, but wanted to be able to tell my readers I’m going to be off line for at least a couple of days. The pain got a whole lot worse this morning, so Mrs. Paco made me go to the ER. Turns out I’ve got a perforated bowel as a result of diverticulitis. Feels like a gunshot wound to the guts. Right now, they’re treating it with antibiotics in an attempt to avoid surgery. If that works, I should be home in a couple of days. I’d be obliged, Jeff, if you could drop a line into the comments section to let everyone know you heard from me and I’ll be back soon (God willing!). Many thanks."

Prayers remain in order, of course.

bruce said...

That is worse, but also good to have a complete explanation so we know what it isn't at least.

My thoughts and prayers for our generous host, Paco.

RebeccaH said...

Thanks for the update, JeffS.

Deborah said...

Thank you, JeffS. Please let him know that our thoughts and prayers are with him. Too bad EMS didn't catch it the other day.

Gregoryno6 said...

Thanks for the update, Jeff. This is an unwanted complication, to be sure.