Thursday, June 30, 2022

Happy Feet Friday

Dizzy Gillespie and company perform a fun number called "Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac".


  1. (Shakes fist!)
    Darn you Paco!
    Today felt like Friday but it's still only Thursday and I haven't been too happy about that all day.
    Then you rub it in!

    By the way, how yu doon? Feeling any better?
    I hope so.

  2. Yeah, I almost always put these up Thursday night, so anybody who needs a musical waker-upper is good to go Friday morning. Maybe I should call the feature, "Happy Feet Late Thursday Night".

    I'm doing better. I've graduated from a walker to a cane, and I'll probably be ditching that, soon. After losing 39 pounds in the hospital, a diet of solid food has enabled me to regain one whole pound. My innards are still a little sore; I'm beginning to wonder if the surgeon might have dropped his watch in there. Seriously, though, I get a little better every day. Kind of you to inquire.

  3. Now mah feets is happy!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better.
