Monday, August 15, 2022

And yet, she's still walking around loose

Comey and Clinton, rockin' the two-tier justice system boogaloo. 


  1. And so is he. In fact, there are a LOT of people in this administration who ought to be behind bars if they're not actually standing in lines to get into the nearest soup kitchen.

  2. And so is he.

    More's the pity.

  3. Amusing that Pobosiec has changed his Twitter Handle to reference the rosary.

    I assume that's in response to the recent moronic Atlantic article (moronic even by their usual standards) claiming that the far right has made the rosary one of their symbols. Just as they have made the AR-15 a "sacred object."

    These are deeply stupid people. That would amuse me if they were not also evil.

  4. Yes, I saw that idiocy on the rosary and will shortly be doing a post that includes a barb aimed in the direction of the Atlantic.
