Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Here's to the people of Wyoming

The ones that figured Liz Cheney out, anyway.

Now, I only read that on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt. Remember what Honest Abe himself said:


RebeccaH said...

She actually did it, there's a transcript. I can't decide if she's that stupid or just plain certifiable. She'll fit right in at CNN, but I'm wondering if she's angling for a VP slot with the not-Biden Democrat who will be running for President in 2024, convinced that she'll be a shoe-in for president in 2028 or beyond. Daddy did his Little Girl no favors by not teaching her about reality.

Veeshir said...

End the farce of a campaign with farce.
Just like all our fine betters, angry that the peasants don't understand her brillyents.

tom said...

I don't care for Cheney or Lincoln. Lincoln was quick to become dictatorial, arbitrarily imprising people, suspending Habeas Corpus, creating the Department of Agriculture and creating the first income tax.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

CNN is in turmoil right now and I doubt they'll make Liz an offer. The staff and audience of MSNBC would never accept her, so she's kind of stuck. Seriously, the only network slot I think she could have is as the token fake conservative on The View. And that poor sap is there only to be a pinata for the other rage filled harpies. Stupid Meghan McCain still hasn't figured that out, she's still in shock that they were so mean to her.

If so, I hope Cheney gets the job. See how long she can take the abuse. She has no more utility to the left, and she's the daughter of their second most hated foe. In fact, it's possible they hate Dick Cheney even more than they do Trump.

Veeshir said...

Yeah Stephen, she'll find out quickly her only value is as a Republican who will Leave the Party every election.
Rather, the GOP will leave her and her integrity.
That value drops if you're not an elected Republican. Of course, Joe Scarbough leveraged that into an MSNBC gig.
But he doesn't look like a live action Muppet.

rinardman said...

But he doesn't look like a live action Muppet.

Are you sure about that?

Paco said...


Veeshir said...

I stand corrected.