Senator Liz Warren said the other day that, "Everyone comes up to me and says, 'I would vote for you if you had a penis'".
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't vote for her if she had a penis, balls the size of coconuts and could clean and jerk 500 pounds.
Yeah, but no. Nobody talks like that. This is pure fantasy, of the type lefties create when attempting to channel the hated right wing. It's like Smollett's assailants shouting "This is MAGA country!"
ReplyDeleteNo. No they didn't. Nobody talks like that outside of proggie fantasies. This is akin to them making a poop swastika under the bizarre delusion that actual Nazis (all fourteen of them) would do something like that.
What Stephen said.
ReplyDeleteThey're all insane. And a lot of'em seem proud of it.
I totally agree. Her being a woman is one of the main reasons that the sort of people who would vote for her, would vote for her in the first place. I think it's safe to call b.s. on her claim (especially the howler that, not one person, but everyone who came up to her, made this comment).
ReplyDelete"Everyone" means one in liberal speak.
DeleteI wouldn't vote for her if she had a penis, balls the size of coconuts and could clean and jerk 500 pounds
ReplyDeleteIf Lizzie had all that, she'd be Michele Obama.
Gawffa, Gregory! Good one!
DeleteGregory, now that's funny.
ReplyDeleterman, they're in a competition to see who can say the craziest thing, I do have to wonder exactly how stupid the 'journalists' are who don't immediately laugh and hide stupidities like that to protect their chosen political party.
Although, this might just be Polieico making up crap. They lie an awful lot (it's right there in the name)
Where did my comment go?
ReplyDeleteGregory: Not sure what happened. I went into the comments page, and it looks like it might have gotten spammed for some reason. Probably the Obamas are making sure this kind of stuff gets deleted. anyhow, I restored it (and it is funny).
ReplyDeleteI do have to wonder exactly how stupid the 'journalists' are who don't immediately laugh and hide stupidities like that to protect their chosen political party
ReplyDeleteVia Instapundit…..
“Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”
That’s how stupid they are.
Saying something like that makes you wonder what kind of people old Lizzie hangs around with. Not that I really want to know, ick.