Thursday, August 11, 2022

The despicable Liz Cheney

One thing I can't stand about Liz Cheney, in addition to her RINOism and her Trump obsession, is that perpetual woeful look on her face.

Her physiognomy seems to ooze self-pity.

Interestingly,  she did, recently, pick up an important endorsement...

Big H/T to Ace of Spades.



  1. I can't not see Ms Piggy when I see her mug.
    Getting Bushies out of politics is a societal good.

  2. Back when I was trucking, I would walk into shipping/receiving offices and be shown that face. I immediately turned as cold as I could in return. There was one I was just itching to ask, "You've been divorced 5 times haven't you?" but it didn't get that far.

  3. V: She'd be perfect as the live-action version.

    George: I bet you were right, though.
