Thursday, January 19, 2023

Better late than never

The Kween of Kiwi Kovid Kombat, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, is resigning.

She is an egregious example of the nominal democratic politician who turns to the methods of dictatorship at the first opportunity - all for a good cause, of course. And now she gets to walk away with no personal consequences. 

Not entirely unrelated  The insurrection next time: "Remembering The Battle Of Athens (Tennessee)" H/T: J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades.


  1. Still not convinced "New Zealand" is real. Never been there. Been to Australia many times. Passed through both the Suez and Panama Canals. Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand... Saudi Arabia... Turkey... Italy, France...

    Been to lots and lots of places. Sailed around the world. Never actually saw this "New Zealand." For me, the killer is that Peter Jackson supposedly filmed The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit there. Oh. Okay. Dwarves and Hobbits and Elves and Orcs and dragons, huh? Yeah, right. Pull the other one.

  2. Elsewhere, I have taken the minority view that the January 6 storming of the Capitol will ultimately be seen as having been America’s Bastille Day.

    I hope the writer is right, because I can think of any number of heads that need to roll.

  3. Well, I've seen New Zealand on maps, but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean anything; old maps showed non-existent places like Hy-Brasil and Frisland for centuries. Maybe New Zealand is just an outdoor movie set in Tasmania.

    Rebecca: enough heads to make me a throne - or rather, a reclining chair - of skulls would be nice.

  4. Anyone have this on my bingo card for 2023?

  5. Not me. I guess she just decided to rest on her laurels - which better be pretty tall and fortified if she wants to keep out of the reach of her angry "subjects".
