Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dear Mr. President...

...your absence is requested: "Catholic Joe Biden Told NOT to Attend Pope Benedict XVI’s Funeral ".

Really, the word Catholic should have quotation marks around it or should be followed by LOL! in parentheses. 

Update  Sweet.  Pope Benedict personally requested that Biden not be invited to his funeral

Good. That's the kind of thing that I think will genuinely stick in Biden's craw. As friend and commenter Bruce points out in the comments, Catholicism is just a tribal banner that Biden wraps himself in when it's convenient. 


  1. Biden is a devout Catholic? That comes with a bridge or swamp land (complete with alligators, of course) in Arizona, right.

  2. If Biden's a Catholic, I'm a suicide bombing Muslim.
    The priest might have spilt some water on his head a few decades back but that's not enough.

  3. They just don't want him crapping all over the place.

  4. Dirty Old Joe's excuse, of course, is that they didn't want his 1,000 person entourage "getting in the way" (which I don't think was much of an exaggeration). Alternatively, they just didn't want him!

  5. I grew up Irish Catholic, I think I've mentioned before. You have to live it to understand it. It's tribal, doesn't matter what you believe.

    I discovered the TV series 'Always Sunny in Philadelphia' and found those people very familiar, even though it's meant to be an exaggerated satire. That's my peeps. When I read that dark side of the Kennedys, that was familir too. Tribalism is not a good fit for the modern world.
