Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. I wondered how those indents on the hat were made!

    Is that one you ordered, Paco? :D

  2. Er, no. I hadn't ever heard of this brand until I saw the video. I went to the web site and discovered that these are what you might call "top of the line" hats; very pricey. Besides, I'm retired now, and the half dozen or so I have ought to last me.

  3. Some people think I have too many Hummel figurines, too.

  4. I can understand why hats like that are so expensive. That's a LOT of hand crafting there. I never heard of Hornskov either but I imagine that's the way most hats are made. My grandfather wore hats a lot like that, except that his were made by Stetson which, despite its Western reputation, was actually founded in Philadelphia.
