Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy anniversary to us!


Yessirree, Mrs. Paco and I have just completed 45 years of slogging through the trenches of matrimony...

Er, that doesn't sound quite right; somewhat lacking in conjugal sentiment.

Forty-five years ago, today, Mrs. Paco and I took on the heavy twin-yoke of marriage...

Hmm. That's not much better. How about this?

Just another day, lolling about the lido deck of the love boat...

Meh. Sounds a little highfalutin'; besides, I'm not entirely sure I know what a lido deck is. Ok, last call.

Now celebrating 45 years of continuous operations (including knees, neck, colon, impacted wisdom teeth, cataracts and hip).

There! That ought to do it. By the way, what's normally associated with a 45th wedding anniversary? Kevlar, isn't it?


  1. How about "Celebrating 45 years of not annoying each other too much!"

    Notice I said 'too much'.

    BTW, congratulations on 45 years of....not annoying each other too much!

  2. Happy anniversary to you and Mrs. P. It's been my experience that getting through the years without killing each other is a plus.

  3. Congratulations on surviving 45 years of murder free bliss!


  4. 45 years!?! Wow! A round of hearty huzzahs, raised glasses, and appropriate sentiments on this auspicious occasion! May you two kids have many more years together! God bless!

  5. 45 years of marriage! To quote The Princess Bride: Inconceivable!
    However you did it, Mrs and Mr P, well done.

  6. Hi Nashville Beat! Good to hear from you. Hope all is well.
