Monday, January 9, 2023

If lovin' anti-marxists is wrong, I don't wanna be right

Frankly, I am sighing with envy: "Thousands Of Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court, Presidential Office".

Yes, I know, violence is not the best way. But what government types need to learn is that normal people, when absolutely pushed to the wall, will sometimes refuse to prostrate themselves before their self-appointed elites, and bow before laws that have become tools in the hands of would-be tyrants.

1 comment:

  1. Good fortune to the dissidents of Brazil! It's time the whole world turned on the leftist globalists who want to turn Earth into some kind of march-in-step ant hill.

    I confess here that on January 6, 2021, when the Mr. came running in to tell me there was a riot going on at the Capitol, I wasn't distressed like he was. I was secretly glad, because all I could think of at the time that Nasty Pelosi and her flying monkeys must be scared shitless because people were finally showing them what could happen because of their socialist bs. Unfortunately, it didn't occur to me in time how it would be orchestrated and turned against us (imprisonment without trial for people who did no harm, turning D.C. into an Afghanistan-style green zone, and the endless J6 kangaroo court). I hope the same doesn't happen to the Bolsonaristas.
