Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday funnies


You may need to click on this next one to make it big enough to read the message.

Biden Says He Is Unaware Of Any Classified Docs, Or Who He Is, Or Why He's Sitting In This Oval-Shaped Office

Serial carelessness (H/T: David Thompson)

Birds have figured out Uber (H/T: ditto)

As the fellow says, "that's just asking for trouble". (H/T: son of ditto)

Dogs: never turn your back on a cat (H/T: R-man)

At least in the Biden economy, there are a lot more things that count as bling...


Joey B Toonz has a few trenchant observations on model and woke Twitter twit, Julia Fox.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Aunt Esther was one of my favorite people from 197something.

  2. She really packed a wallop. She could wield that purse like a Ninja when she wanted to.

  3. Julia Fox AND Emily Whatshername both could use a brain transplant. Whoa … … the stupid just flows from their lips.

  4. I'm not sure a brain would have anything to latch onto, maybe not even a stem.

  5. My daughter drives a school bus. I want one of those stickers. She would find it funny.
