Friday, January 13, 2023

This shouldn't take too long

"Attorney General Merrick Garland Assigns Special Counsel to Investigate Joe Biden for Possession of Classified Documents".


  1. What they'll be "investigating" is anyone reporting on the story.

    Shut-up, and never do that again!

  2. The hardest part about the Glorious Now! is trying to figure out what they're doing and why.
    I'm hoping they'll dump the Biden clan, into prison.
    They'll be replaced of course, but watching our fine betters eat each other can be enjoyable.

  3. I am a little curious as to how the story of the classified files got out. This seems like something the government could have covered up with little or no fanfare. Maybe there is some serious donk resistance to a Biden run for a second term.

  4. Maybe there is some serious donk resistance to a Biden run for a second term.

    Tucker Carlson seems to agree.

  5. In another Breitbart story, the White House is blaming the whole mess on the National Archives.
    "One toke over the line, sweet Jesus, one toke over the line"
    "Anyone's fault but mine, sweet Jesus, anyone's fault but mine"

  6. And here I thought Joey Softserve would be booted out of office under the 25th Amendment, r-man.

  7. In my opinion, even any "serious investigation" or Democrat "resistance" creates unwarranted seriousness to our present bunch of clowns.

  8. The plan is for a prolonged investigation with a lid on all reporting. "Can't comment - ongoing investigation".

  9. Paco, as per Garland’s statement, the National Archives reported the files to the DOJ.

    On 4 November 2022. Just before the elections.

    So, yeah, they covered it up. Long enough for the stink not to mess with the donks.

  10. There are definite signs that the Democrats might use Docugate as a way to get rid of Dirty Old Joe before 2024, especially since the MSM is actually reporting on it instead of ignoring it. How they're going to resolve the Kami Klueless dilemma is anybody's guess.

  11. she needs to be our first democrat black woman president for a little while so they get the double bonus diversity credits...
