Friday, January 13, 2023

Better watch out when you execute a low backhand

When I moved to Southport, I had never heard of a game called pickleball. I learned about it from my next-door neighbors, who are enthusiastic players. I believe, however, that they are orthodox in their attire - unlike some others, who find shorts and t-shirts too confining: "Nude Pickleball Is Taking Off".


  1. Thanks for the update on, er, ummmm, sports.

    Yeah, sports, that’s the word!

  2. The Lingerie Football League, though short lived, and clothed, was 10x awesome.

  3. A few years ago, a pickleball enthusiast told us it was the fastest growing sport. The place (Flying L Resort) we were at was promoting their tournament. Must be true since the nudists are catching on.

  4. When we took our RV down to Cudjo Island to spend time with our kids and their friends, we witnessed our very first (and only, so far) pickle ball game. Thankfully, everybody was clothed. I can't imagine anything more off-putting than watching a bunch of wrinkled old dudes getting their jiggle on playing, well, anything.

  5. Pickleball purportedly was invented on Bainbridge Island, WA. That's where my parents settled after my Dad's retirement from the Navy.

    The Island's demographics have shifted drastically though since then. It used to be largely rural, agricultural, with multi-generational families there. Once the Seattle yuppies realized they could live on an island a half hour ferry ride from downtown, they started turning it into a bedroom community. Many of the long time families have left the island due to skyrocketing property taxes - they could no longer afford to stay in the house their family had lived in for three or more generations.

    If you ever saw the Michael Douglas/Demi Moore film Disclosure, Douglas' house was on Bainbridge.
