Friday, February 24, 2023

FBI: only the very best

"FBI Gone Wild: Internal memos chronicle years of drunk driving, lost weapons and other misconduct".

Brad Smilo, ace reporter for Paco World News Daily (PWND), caught up with FBI Director Christopher Wray and attempted to ask him about this issue.

"Sorry, media dude, that's the five o'clock whistle and I've got a tough commute, so one side if you want to avoid looking like a pancake wearing a necktie."


  1. There will never, ever be reform as long as the current bureaucracy is in charge.

  2. The Effing Bee Eye is more fraternity house than law enforcement agency.

  3. What's the prob as long as they sing good karaoke? And 9 of them surround 2 women and be charming.
