Friday, February 17, 2023


 No, I say! This is a matter of honor.

How would that work, anyway? Do you stick some palm fronds on one end and call it the Carrotmobile? 


  1. Do you think the executives at Oscar Mayer have stopped laughing yet?

    Why don't the big brains at PETA build their own Veganmobile? I'm sure that would convert thousands of people at every stop it makes. If they brought it to my town, I'd go to Burger King and get a Bacon King to go, and then go eat it next to the Veganmobile.

  2. This is just a cute stunt intended to distract from how evil PETA really is.

    And that is not hyperbole. Nobody euthanizes more pets in the US than the anti-human ghouls at PETA.

  3. You'd think our fine betters would like hotdogs.
    They're always on us to eat bugs after all.

  4. it's a low down rotten thing to steal a catalytic converter, but so much lower when it's stolen from a national treasure like the weinermobile.

  5. tom: You're right. The penalties should be extra harsh if the malefactors are ever caught.

  6. There is a vegans paying for wienermobile's services here somewhere, maybe the horde can provide.

  7. If they're caught, put them in jail, and make them eat a strictly vegan diet!

  8. I'd put the scofflaws into stocks, and not release them until they sang this 10,000 times.

  9. Back on the day, people turned cars and vans into rolling gardens. I wonder if anyone is still doing that.
