Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day!


In celebration of the women who brought us into this world, cared for our needs, loved us and protected us from the buffetings and sharp edges of life.


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 14, 2023 at 1:08 PM

    There's a road about an hour's drive north of me, on the Olympic Peninsula past Quilcene, named Egg and I Road.

    It's where Betty MacDonald's chicken farm was. And of course that was the first appearance of Ma and Pa Kettle.

  2. To all moms: hope you have a wonderful celebration! Revel in your accomplishments, not in whether your kids ended up as black sheep. You did the best you could, so it's on them, not you.

    To my angel Mom, for whom I can't (and didn't) praise enough. I love and miss you!

  3. Stephen: Pretty cool. I've seen The Egg and I, plus all the Ma and Pa Kettle movies. Pa is my idol; I've tried to model my retirement on his outlook ("Been meanin' to fix that, Ma, reckon I'll get around to it one of these days").

  4. Thankfully my kids and grandkids all turned out okay, as I hope their kids and grandkids will. I miss my mother more and more every day.
