Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday funnies


So, if a person or a pet is stuck inside a car on a hot day, here's one way to get 'em out.

First chair hammer.

Quick! Did the IKEA instructions say anything about this?


From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Yeah, I laughed way too hard at that Berlitz German Coastguard short.

  2. My town had a bunch of over-jacked up cars about 40 years ago.
    As one drove up across the street and parked, my girlfriend asked how they got out.
    Before I could answer, the passenger side door opened and a girl passenger did a 6 foot face plant.
    We probably shouldn't have laughed that hard.

  3. Going into battle nekkid ... ... ??? Not my thing. That's why I always had a clean uniform packed into my alert bag.
