Saturday, May 13, 2023

Hollywood: the anus of our culture

"Megyn Kelly Lights up Charlize Theron After She Curses out People Over Drag Performances for Kids".


  1. Theron has a seven-year-old child she says is transgender. How does she know that? She says the child who was born a boy told her when he was three that he was “not a boy.”

    My oldest grandson insisted his name was "Bill" when he was three years old. His name is Tyler. He's now in his thirties, and still goes by Tyler.

  2. Megan Kelly is smarter than Charlize Whatshername. MUCH smarter.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 14, 2023 at 6:53 PM

    Yet another day where I am reminded how short I fall from the standards the friends of Harvey Weinstein hold for me. Another day that I disappoint the people who had frequent flyer miles to Epstein's island. The rapists and frauds and pedophiles and abusers are sorely let down by my failures.

    Be better, me. Be better.
