Saturday, May 20, 2023

I'm shocked, and somewhat disappointed, to discover...

...that I don't have any of these things in my garden.


  1. Paco, sometimes I miss humor, so.... Why on earth are you disappointed that you have none of these is your lovely garden?

  2. I think it would be cool to have a bunch of poisonous plants in the garden. It would add an element of danger.

  3. When I had a house with a yard and garden, I had foxgloves, castor plants, lilies of the valley, and even some hemlock out by the back fence (those things stink something awful), so I guess you could say I had a poison garden. I tried to get some monk's hood, but the seeds are hard to come by (because they're probably the deadliest). I like the flowers and the pretty foliage and I thought I might have to poison some fascists someday (not really, but the thought did cross my mind at times).

  4. Foxglove is pretty, but we've never had any luck with it.

    Now, right next to my poisonous plants, I'd like to have a section dedicated to carnivorous species...

  5. “Murder plants”! Haw!

    I say again, Haw!
