Friday, May 19, 2023

Seriously? An accounting error?

Not that the U.S. Government isn't capable of this kind of foul-up, but under the circumstances, I find the timing of the discovery of the mistake...interesting. 

Just three days after Politico reported the latest authorization of military aid to Ukraine was on pace to run out in mid-summer, the Pentagon on Thursday disclosed it had made an accounting error with previous weapon shipments, overvaluing them by about $3 billion.
And just like that, the Pentagon says it's now free to hand over another $3 billion in weapons, ammunition and supplies without asking Congress for approval.


  1. They're embezzling the taxpayers and they don't even try to hide it anymore.

  2. Not much reason to hide it, Rebecca. The taxpayers don't
    seem to care anymore.

    1. "Seem" is the operative word. Taxpayers care but don't know how to combat it.
