Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Next up from John Durham...

 ...the Rosenbergs really were spies!

Way too little, way too late: "Durham Report Exonerates Trump Over Russia Collusion Claims, Blasts ‘Biased’ FBI".

I don't believe Durham made any referrals for indictments, did he? I thought not.



  1. His job was obviously to throw a bone to the rubes while not actually accomplishing anything.
    That's one of the GOPe's strongest skills.
    Rather, that's a subset of Failure Theater, which is their greatest skill.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 16, 2023 at 3:31 PM

    Why bother? Nobody will be indicted.

    Old news. Time to move on. The American people deserve better! And, also, what about Trump, huh?

  3. That sound you hear is a collective yawn from the Deep State.

  4. Durham timed it just right. The damage is already done, and the next election season is beginning to take up everybody's attention.
