Monday, May 15, 2023

There are actually a lot of operational components to a good Reichstag fire

"Jan. 6 pipe bombs at RNC, DNC were inoperable, says ex-agent who contradicts FBI's official story".

Nowadays, whenever I see the words, "FBI's official story", my mind automatically changes "story" to "fairytale". 

Update And that goes for the Department of Homeland Security, too: "DHS Listed Pro-Life Mothers as 'Radicalization Suspects,' Documents Reveal".


  1. Sic Temper Tyrannis.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 15, 2023 at 1:20 PM

    I am not convinced that the National Socialists actually set the Reichstag fire. I think it happened independently, but they surely knew how to capitalize on it.

    Compare and contrast to their current day heirs, who have to seed the ground with agents provocateurs and create their own causus belli, and still can't get the majority to buy it? Face it, even the hardcore Donk voters know the DNC and Deep State are orchestrating these atrocities and "threats to Our Democracy™" and go along with it because they want all the free goodies one party rule invariably provides the nomenklatura.

  3. the hardcore Donk voters know the DNC and Deep State are orchestrating these atrocities and "threats to Our Democracy™"
    Exactly Stephen.
    I hate it I'm talking to a lefty who denies that but eventually get to something they can't deny and always get a sly, smug grin in reply.
    It used to infuriate me, now I just call them despicable fascists.
    It doesn't help, but it does piss them off.

  4. This is my take on it:

    1. It doesn't matter who set the Reichstage fire or whether it was an accident. Today it stands for a tactic that is too often used by a government to excuse illegal activities by that government, the way the Nazis used it 91 years ago, and the way our own FBI is using it today.

    2. DHS seized on pro-life mothers as possible terrorists because some of them were probably too mouthy in the pro-life cause, thereby ignoring the actual violent rhetoric used by the likes of Antifa, and the Marxists, and yes, the Democrats. I think the strategy is pretty clear.
