Friday, May 19, 2023

You wouldn't have to look far... find a climate fanatic who thinks this would be a great idea: "Europe Could Achieve Net Zero by Demolishing its Historic Buildings and Starting Again, Says Italian Central Bank".

A top central banker has warned of the damage the rush to ‘Net-Zero’ risks doing to Europe’s economy, and illustrates the point by noting erasing Europe’s built heritage would be necessary to meet extreme green demands.
It's not about saving the planet, it's about the self-appointed global elite usurping more power over the masses. I'm no longer sure that our "moral superiors" even know why they want to have so much control. Toward what end? Is it just the primitive urge to boss people around coming to the surface? Or do the unnatural "natural" philosophers of our contemporary Academy of Lagado genuinely believe that they can control the weather?

I find the prospects for success of the scholars and projectors of the original Academy of Lagado  to be more realistic - see, for example, the scientist pictured above, who "had been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams from cucumbers".

Update  More stupidity from New York's Gauleiter, Kathy Hochhul, and her gaggle of sympathizers in the state's legislature: "Just so we're clear - New York has 'No Plan B' for the power plants they're shutting down".


  1. I absolutely love what's happening in NY.

    At least partially because my family will be cursing me for being correct.

    NY pols of both parties already destroyed it as a manufacturing powerhouse, now the Dems are destroying it as a place to be able to live your life.

  2. Look out for the hordes of NY refugees fleeing to other states.

    As for Europe, sure, why don't they just wipe out a few thousand years of history for the sake of the ever-loving' freakin' CLIMATE!

  3. the states from VA to Maine, except NH have all signed on to the CA Air Resources Board requirements for electric cars and all the other climate change stuff so winter in the Northeast is probably going to be a lot colder and darker in the future, I'm thinking deforestation may become a problem as they turn to renewable wood for their heating fuel.

    1. It will look like the iconic satellite photo of the Korean Penninsula at night.

  4. They don't have a 'Plan B' for anything they do. I don't think they need one.

    Their Plan A seems to be to destroy everything, and they have that part figured out!
