Thursday, June 8, 2023

I believe we're now entering the terror phase of the Deep State revolution

According to Donald Trump, he has been indicted in connection with his handling of classified documents.

This is about as bogus a charge as I've seen yet. My guess is that Trump may have been holding onto documents that proved that the Deep State was working hand-in-glove with the Democratic Party to launch a coup against him - in which case, the larger, more relevant illegality was committed by the U.S. government.

And, btw, why is it ok for the Five Million Dollar Man to store classified documents in unsafe facilities all over Washington and Delaware - including in an office shared with Hunter Biden's Chinese "business partner"?

What I mean when I say we're now in the terror phase, is that the perfidy, the treasonous motives and the illegal operations that the Deep State/Democrat combine tried, until fairly recently, to hide, are now put on the most brazen display, as a warning to those of us who oppose them. "If we can jail Trump and his supporters, we can jail anyone who disagrees with us", these anti-American mega-criminals seem to be saying. 

The DOJ, the FBI and the rest of the Deep State can, with my compliments, go to hell.


Stephen A Skubinna said...

No see, this is brilliant because it insulates the FBI! People may gripe that they let Hillary skate, and paid no attention to Biden, but they can always point to Trump and say "Oh yeah? What about him? And some people have the nerve to say we aren't taking our responsibilities seriously!"

"Now sit down and shut up unless you want the IRS to visit."

rinardman said...

And, btw, why is it ok for the Five Million Dollar Man to store classified documents in unsafe facilities...

Because right now there is only one team represented by the government, and he is on their team.

And you're not.