Saturday, August 26, 2023

Benefit of the doubt?

I'm a lot less inclined to give it to the FBI these days: "Family seeks answers after relative fatally shot". Btw, this is not the shooting incident in Utah; this one was in Henderson, Tennessee.

According to the suspect’s mother who chose not to appear on camera, she was at the residence at the time. According to her, the FBI beat on the door and when she answered they pulled her out of the residence and put her in the back of a police vehicle. When she asked why they were there she was told, “It’s none of your business” by the agents. She told us the entire incident was probably 15 minutes from the time the agents arrived to when her son was shot.
“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Deschler said.

And, naturally: 

The FBI did give us a comment about the arrest operation Thursday morning shortly after the incident occurred confirming it happened, that they take agent involved shootings seriously, and that it is under review by the FBI’s inspection division.

Prediction: that's the last we'll ever hear about the incident, unless it's just a  pro forma statement clearing the agents of any wrongdoing.


  1. If you're too stupid to get the message from the nonstop display of Trump's mug shot, then perhaps the ultra mega-MAGA deplorable fascists need more examples.

    The feds will keep shooting people until this country is governable, in the manner the NYT editorial board demands.

  2. I'm sure the FBI will investigate in an open an honest manner and conclude the FBI did nothing wrong.

  3. FBI motto: Fidelity Bravery Integrity

    'FBI', get it? I'm not sure that's accurate, these days.

    How about FBI: Factious Bullies Impenitent

  4. How about Felonious Bureau of Incitement?
