Friday, August 25, 2023

Alice Cooper gets it

"Rock Legend Alice Cooper Dismantles Transgenderism: ‘It’s So Absurd,’ a ‘Fad’: ‘So Confusing to a Kid, to a Teenager’".


  1. Yes, he does.

    And, of course, Alice was promptly dumped by a company he just signed a contract with:

  2. Alice Cooper was putting on an act, we all knew it, and he knew we knew it. His entire stage persona was practically a giant "nudge nudge wink wink."

    For one thing, he knew that a comfortable affluent middle class was necessary to pay for his act. And right behind him came Twisted Sister, who carried on the whole sly wink onstage routine. But... eventually we came to no talent nonentities such as Marilyn Manson, who apparently had no sense of irony and appeared to actually believe that he was legitimately shocking the bourgeoisie. And for the most part the response to him was "Hang on a sec... are you actually pretending to be serious?"

  3. Jeff: Sorry, but not surprised, to hear that.

    Stephen: You're absolutely right. For cryin' out loud, Cooper openly supported Nixon, and used to laughingly brag that he was the only Republican in rock music (which may or may not have been true). And he played golf.
