Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Church of England (Jesus Christ, Chairman emeritus)

"Church of England Priests Say Premarital, Gay Sex Not Immoral".

The antics of the Church of England constantly put me in mind of a comment by G.K. Chesterton: "Charles II is often quoted as saying that Presbyterianism is no religion for a gentleman; it is less often quoted that he also said Anglicanism was no religion for a Christian."

Meanwhile, over in my religious neck of the woods, Pope Francis continues his pogrom against conservative American Catholics: "Pope Francis Slams ‘Very Strong Reactionary Attitude’ Among U.S. Catholics". 

“I would like to remind those people that ‘backwardism’ is useless and we need to understand that there is an appropriate evolution in the understanding of matters of faith and morals,” the pope declared to the Jesuit community present in Portugal during the recent celebration of World Youth Day.
As examples, Francis said that “today it is a sin to possess atomic bombs” and “the death penalty is a sin,” but “it was not so before,” in reference to changes he has made in Church teaching.
Doctrine “progresses, expands, and consolidates with time and becomes firmer, but is always progressing,” he continued.

So, our faith is just a never-ending kaleidoscope of changing mores and beliefs, is that it? And how do you build and maintain a permanent foundation in the midst of all this woke quicksand?  May God deliver Francis from his ill-considered, pseudo-philosophical notions (or us from Pope Francis, according to His will). I would be willing to bet that this pope has single-handedly emptied more churches than COVID. 

Btw, has Pope Francis had any conversations with the FBI? Just askin'.


  1. Ah, glad to see that the Roman Catholic Church has decided to update centuries of teachings in order to stay, as the kids say "hip to the jive, daddy-oh."

  2. Well, awwwwwreet! Solid, your holiness, give me some skin!


  3. Moses returned from Mt Sinai with Ten Fairly Good Suggestions.

  4. If you're the leader of a belief system you should believe in that system.
    I'd say that's why leftism in general and its ancillary -isms and Islam are on the upsurge while Christin religions are losing ground.

  5. May God deliver Francis from his ill-considered, pseudo-philosophical notions (or us from Pope Francis, according to His will).

    I fear it's going to take God's will (and I wish He would hurry up), because Comrade Francis is not about to give up on the anti-religious South American liberation theology that was pounded into him all his life.

  6. I fear it's going to take God's will (and I wish He would hurry up), because Comrade Francis is not about to give up on the anti-religious South American liberation theology that was pounded into him all his life.

    You're certainly right about that. Francis strikes me as the kind of person who is incapable of serious introspection, and equally incapable of challenging his own beliefs. May God extend His grace to Pope Francis - indeed, may He clobber him with it, if necessary.

  7. Most of the Old Testament prophets exhorted the Israelites to "go backwards" to the established laws they had rejected and forgotten. Francis is terribly confused.
