Wednesday, August 30, 2023

You know what I like?

 Wandering through a good natural history museum and looking at the fossils.

Oops! Sorry about that, Mitch. But I'm sure you can understand how I made that mistake: "Mitch McConnell freezes and struggles to speak in second incident this summer".

Anyhow, the Late Cretaceous Epoch of the Republican Party is coming to an end, old fellow. Time for you to retire to that old Kentucky home. 


  1. I used go the Nat History musems in NYC and DC all the time.
    I loved them.
    I took the tours and even rented the wands occasionally.
    Good choice on eras, late cretacious had Tyrannosaurus, we have Trumposaurus.
    It also ended with SMOD.
    So we might have that going for us.

  2. McConnell contracted polio when he was a child, and I've read that physical difficulties from that can reappear many decades later. Of course, he is older than dirt, so there's that.
