Thursday, August 24, 2023

The neocons belong in a dusty back room of the Museum of Failed Ideologies

"The Heritage Foundation Suggested We Form A Ukraine Strategy. The Neocons Lost Their Minds".

Elsewhere at NR — which unlike Heritage has not managed to escape irrelevance — there was an unintentionally hilarious post from Dominic Pino critiquing Heritage’s position on U.S. aid to Ukraine. Pino managed to sum up the neocon worldview in a single line, noting that “not all the money goes to Ukrainians. Much of it goes to U.S. defense contractors, which employ Americans and contribute to U.S. economic output.”
Ah yes, there’s nothing like bankrolling foreign wars with no end-game strategy to get the American economy going. Defense contractors are Americans too! Think about it, the Ukraine war is a U.S. jobs program!

Seriously, do these people have anything positive to contribute to discussions of foreign policy besides sending (other people's) children to die in unending wars, and filling the coffers of defense contractors? I'm not sure if Eisenhower really understood what he, himself, meant when he talked about the dangers of the military-industrial complex, but it seems clear enough now.


  1. Let's send all the trannies, plus Jen Rubin and Jonah Goldberg's kids. Any other establishment figures have offspring? Round them up, put them in BDUs and hand them a rifle.

  2. So.... REDS was a documentary?
