Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Update on Hurricane Hilary

"Weak Hurricane Hilary Performance Blamed On Russian Interference".

H/T: Mrs. Paco

1 comment:

  1. Except for the Russians being involved, I imagine this Babylon Bee post is closer to the truth than we think. The tropical storm approaching California and Mexico was hyped for all it was worth, and then we were treated to videos of rivers and roads flooding because of more rain than usual (which also happens in Ohio, imagine that). I didn't see any houses floating down the river, or groups of small children on top of floating cars, which makes me think that, aside from mud and water damage to some homes and businesses, this catastrophe in the making turned out not to be one. Palm Springs got flooded, gasp. Parts of Las Vegas got flooded double gasp, but that happens there every few years anyway, usually because of lots of rain and snow melt from the mountains. The only lookout for Las Vegas is for the police to clear the bums out of the gulches and storm drains before they get washed away by flash floods.
