Sunday, August 27, 2023

What, forever?

Mittens weighs in with one of his typically stupid astute observations: "America Must Support Ukraine to Stop Putin Rebuilding Soviet Union". 

In the first place, Russia has made a complete dog's breakfast of its invasion, so I don't see Putin having much chance of putting the Soviet Union back together again. And in the second place, I'm trying to figure out how Zelensky's new mansion in Egypt factors into Ukraine's overall defense strategy (H/T: Ace of Spades).


  1. Well, of COURSE the Ukrainian corruptocrats are buying luxury mansions…. They’re going need hide always sooner or later.

  2. You're right. A luxury mansion on what appears to be the "Egyptian Riviera" is the last place Putin would look.

  3. Yes, Ukraine is important.

    But it isn't, pace several lawmakers, the most important issue facing the US today. I wouldn't even put it in the top five.
