Monday, September 11, 2023

Another good essay from Victor Davis Hanson

"The Frightened Left".

The main reason I posted this article, even though it's good in its own right, is because I found the photo of Pelosi interesting. She turned into Jack Palance so gradually I didn't even notice.


  1. GMTA.
    Dennis Prager writes along very similar lines regarding Prager U.

  2. And now? For the first time, given recent polls, the Left is scared that a Republican House and perhaps soon a Republican Senate and White House might follow its own precedents, and use new leftwing guidelines to enact conservative agendas.

    What ye sow, ye shall reap. To the detriment of all us.

    Regarding that photo of San Fran Nan ... ... I see what you mean, but you might see Jack Palance's spirit turn poltergeist and move to your home for pointing it out. Better put your priest on speed dial.

  3. Jack? Can you hear me, Jack? I meant this as a compliment. It's like saying, "Hey, Nancy Pelosi never looked better, now that she looks like you, Jack."
