Tuesday, September 12, 2023

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. That's an appealing ad. I'd give that beer a try.

    The days of the local breweries are pretty much gone though. Henry Weinhards, Stroh's, Olympia, Rolling Rock - they're gone, or bought out by conglomerates. If you don't want mass market swill, then you have to find a decent craft brewery.

  2. I'd try it.
    I prefer Eoropean beers so I don't get into craft brews.
    There is a Belgian copy in AZ that's pretty good.
    Not like that crappy, orange-flavored swill called Blue Moon.

  3. I was never a big beer drinker, but I used to enjoy one now and again. When I went to school in Detroit for a semester, Stroh's was (naturally) the big thing, and when I was back in North Carolina, I would occasionally buy a bottle of Rolling Rock, a pack of cheap cigars (with the birch wood tips; were those Hav-a-Tampa or King Edward? Don't remember) and cruise around in my Super Bird (oh, yes; the other day we were talking about doing stupid things in our youth, weren't we?)
