Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Don't the museum curators understand the concept of "performance" art?

"‘Take the Money and Run’ artist ordered to repay museum after submitting blank canvases".

A Danish artist has been ordered to repay a museum after running off with its money upon being commissioned to create a piece of artwork but instead submitted two empty canvases titled “Take the Money and Run.”

Truth to tell, I think a lot of modern art is based on the idea of "take the money and run". 


  1. You mean he didn't even duct tape a banana to a wall?

    Jeez. What a fraud.

  2. Just consider all the gullible fools who stand there looking at it and thinking that's real art. I have less respect for them than I do for the con artist.

  3. “It’s not theft, it is a breach of contract, and the breach of contract is part of the work,” he said at the time.

    Just think, if Michealangelo had known about this method of producing art, he could have saved a ton of time and effort with his statue of David!

    Just deliver a big block of marble and say "Here it is, along with the useless contract."

  4. Was the artist's name IKEA?

  5. I don't see him as a con artist, Rebecca. He delivered what he advertised.

    It's the fools who don't appreciate art that should hang their heads in shame.

  6. The spirit of Piero Manzoni lives on.
