Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Grain of salt, and all that

A group of Neo-Nazis showed up to demonstrate in Florida a few days ago, all decked out in their pretty new red togs.

These guys appear to be genuine Neo-Nazis, but one of them seems to have some kind of link to the FBI, per Laura Loomer:

Laura Loomer is frequently characterized as a far-right white nationalist and a guerilla journalist, which could be leftist hyperbole or might be true, for all I know. I don't think her evidence necessarily proves what she asserts. So, by all means, we should be looking for corroboration from another source. Nonetheless, the FBI, in allowing itself to be transformed into a politically weaponized institution, makes charges of cooperation with unsavory persons and groups far more difficult to dismiss out of hand than in the past (and, frankly, this outfit wasn't all that clean in the past, either).


  1. Say, anybody know where the Lincoln Project guys were last weekend?

    Just curious.

  2. That reminds me: I've seen some incredibly unimpressive anti-Trump "conservative" political commercials popping up lately, paid for by Americans for Prosperity (pretty much boils down to "we can't survive another four years of Biden, so we need to defeat Trump"). I looked the group up online, and the only two names I recognize are Advisory council members Guy Benson and Eric Erickson - two guys Ace frequently slaps around like tether balls. Just based on what I saw online, at the group's own site, it appears to be an undercooked double-decker nothing-burger slathered with lame sauce.

  3. The first thing I thought of when I read about this group was that moronic FBI-infiltrated "Let's kidnap Gretchen Whitmer" fiasco. These days, I view all these so-called right-wing militia groups as a bunch of drinking buddies who get together in a bar and talk trash with their new "friends" who just happen to be FBI informants and undercover agents.
