Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Preserving the shell of an institution...

...while emptying it of its original purpose. Former Obama aide Jonathan Greenblatt changes the focus of the ADL beyond recognition: "The Mind-Bendingly Insane, Completely Craven, Utterly Unconscionable Redemption of Al Sharpton".


  1. All I gotta say is the name Greenblatt sounds sorta Jewish.

    Which means nothing really. I mean, if a Jew wants to stand up for a notorious anti-Semite who has actually organized riots causing death, then hey, why the hell not? What next, he's gonna tell us that Der Fuhrer was actually a terrific dancer?

  2. Excuse me while I indulge in a nasty little bit of the left's racism: Al Sharpton presented himself as a crusader for black people, but what he is really is the left's housen****r.

  3. I have never understood why MSNBC gave this dangerous clown a job. He's barely even literate...oh, wait...
