Friday, September 8, 2023

Literally mugged by reality

"Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to ‘Dismantle the Police Department’ Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault – Now Calls for Tougher Juvenile Penalties".


  1. See, this is what you get when you go for half measures. Dismantle the police means what it says, damn it! You only cut them in half.

    Had you entirely abolished the police force this wouldn't have happened! We will have crime as long as there are cops. Go the distance, eliminate the MPD like you promised, lady. Maybe you need a beating every week until the entire department is abolished.

  2. Hypocrite.
    She should have the courage of her convictions.
    It was fine when the little people were paying the price but now that someone important is affected, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!.

  3. I'm surprised where no calls to provide an armed security team and government vehicle for her.

  4. Scha·den·freu·de: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.

  5. What rinardman said.
