Friday, September 8, 2023

Methuselah's widow files for reelection

"83-Year-Old Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid with Ridiculous Statement".

Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.

She might as well have been making barnyard noises for all the meaning her actual words carried. 

Update  Pelosi Announces Bid For Two More Years Of Insider Trading.

H/T: Mrs. Paco


  1. Poop on every street! Homeless drug camps on every block! Looters in every store! A predator in every kindergarten class!

    What I find oddly compelling is this datum: the one place in SF where it is illegal to publicly defecate is in front of Nancy Pelosi's house. Just... weird.

  2. ...our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery.

    Recovery from what? Is she admitting that something bad happened under her watch? If so, why would people vote her back in office?

  3. Nasty desperately wants the Speaker's gavel back. She can't sleep at night without it.

  4. The people who would vote for Nancy again and again would have jeered at Charlton Heston's 'From my cold, dead hands'.

  5. What Rebecca said. San Fran Nan longs to be in power again. She can't drink enough ethanol to banish the urge to rule.

  6. Politics seems to be the easiest path for mediocrities who want to "be somebody".

  7. She sure used all the talking points: "now more than ever...", "San Francisco values...", "recovery...", "our flag...", "liberty and justice for all....".

    San Francisco values. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Recovery. From what?
