Thursday, September 21, 2023

Now they're not just rubbing our noses in it...

 ...they're trying to make us eat worms:


  1. Loyal apparatchiks, supremely competent at their jobs.

    And lest anybody scoff, recollect that their actual jobs bear no relation to the words they utter in their oaths of office, or even the ones written on their PDs.

    "Everything within the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State."

  2. "Everything within the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State."

    I agree completely, but I might be a bit more specific: "Everything within the Democrat State, nothing against the Democrat State, nothing outside the Democrat State."

    If Trump is back in charge, all bets are off.

  3. They cannot let Trump back in charge. No way, no how.
    The scary part is waiting to find out how they're gonna stop him and how the America reacts.
