Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Ok, don't let the doorknob hit you in the butt on the way out

Mitt Romney Declines to Run for Reelection.

And let the record show, I never called this man a snake in the grass. I merely said I like to avoid the ground he slithers over.

Oh, and thanks for that "plague-on-both-their-houses" schtick, Mittens. It's just

Update  Any way we can get this weasel to resign?

To put it mildly, Colorado seems hosed.


  1. Nobody would disagree that Mitt has done enough for the United States.
    Correction: done enough TO the United States.

  2. I agree about a plague on both houses.
    Especially with people like him in one house.
    Although..... It could be argued it's only one house and we ain't allowed in.

  3. He's an important part of the plague in one of the houses.

    Say, V, how come our "fine betters" ain't more...well, "fine" than they are? Why so many dopey clunks?

    1. Same reason as for European royalty: Inbreeding.

  4. This might be a good opportunity for the Republicans to pick up a Senate seat.

  5. I'd say good riddance to Mittens if I weren't convinced some other squishy no-good will come along to take his place.
