Wednesday, September 13, 2023

This New York mom gently disagrees with Democrat border policy

Language advisory (she is a New Yorker, after all). 


  1. I haven't watched but....
    She voted for it and I'm sure she was okay with it until it affected her personally.
    I have 2 words for her.
    Ha and Ha.

  2. She's right, but Veeshir is correct -- she voted for it. Or didn't bother to vote, pretty much the same thing.

    Ha and ha.

  3. Did I miss something? I didn't hear anything in that rant that indicated she voted for the Democrats, or that she didn't vote at all. Remember: over 22% of NYC voters and 37% in New York State went for Trump in 2020: an overwhelming victory for Biden, but hardly unanimous.

  4. I based it on the way she looks in the preview and that she's a NYer.
    As you note, there's nearly a 4 in 5 chance that, if she votes, it's for Dems.
    I have a low opinion of NY voters so that colors my perceptions.

  5. If she did vote for it, I get the distinct impression she might be just a little upset with the results.

  6. It looks like she's wearing a Trump t-shirt, and the banner on the wall behind her is, I believe, the Trump 2024 "Take America Back" flag. If she's a former Democrat, she must have taken a triple dose of red pills.

    Maybe she's from Staten Island, a Trump stronghold.

  7. Yeah, I followed in Veehsir's footsteps, and assumed she voted donk. I did listen to her, but I focused on her comments (entirely correct, BTW), and ignored the visual signals. Reviewing the clip, yep, she's wearing a Trump shirt. Not so sure about the banner, but likely so.

    "Assume" = "Ass" + "u" + "me".

    Alas, most of the NYC denizens voted for that s**tshow. That much can't be denied ... ... I'm seeing the same thing in Washington State.

  8. I keep hoping that the more people who wake up and see what Wokery really is, things will gradually turn around. I won't live long enough to see all the damage repaired, but even if there are baby steps like Miss Noo Yawkuh there, there's reason to hope.

  9. For all their vaunted sophistication and "no-nonsense" skepticism, New Yorkers, as a group, seem to be among the biggest dupes in the world.

    VDH has another good essay up today based on the following observation: Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others.

    Of course, I have to wonder if that observation is always true. It seems that in New York and San Francisco and other leftist slag heaps, there is some irreducible minimum of people who will tolerate any amount of danger, inconvenience and filth just for the purpose of virtue signaling. Others dislike the chaos, but seem unable to see cause and effect. And then there are those - and I think these are the ones VDH has in mind - who preach all manner of nonsense, but are insulated from the consequences because of their above-average financial wherewithal.

  10. Seems that Staten Island residents are done playing nice .... ....

    Of course, I have to wonder if that observation is always true.

    Some people are just sheeple, and are unwilling to do anything NOT stand out.
