Thursday, September 7, 2023

One wonders if, in ten years, anyone in the U.S. Air Force will know how to fly a plane

"If diversity makes us stronger, why does it require lower standards?"

Diversity requires further compromises in even the most basic expectations. The problem is that “enlistees must have a high school diploma or GED, no more than two dependents and not be a single parent, and have no felony convictions.” They’re also not supposed to be criminals or drug users.
And without the illiterate single parents with extensive criminal records and drug use (who are also short and fat) how are we ever going to find the Top Guns of tomorrow to win our wars?

Well, if things get really bad, I suppose we could bring some old pilots out of retirement.

No, wait...he's white.


  1. "Even with only 1 out of 2 key aircraft and bombers ready to fly, the woke chief of staff has emphasized diversity in hiring and promotion at the expense of merit and ability."

    My father -- a fighter pilot from WWII / post WWII -- would be appalled, if not livid. God knows I'm not far from it. He lacked a college degree, but had a solid high school education, and was able to fly as a test pilot with Chuck Yeager (and if you read Yeager's biography, his lack of a college degree was a post WWII issue. Yes, really.).

    But yet those "Old White Men" still flew cutting edge aircraft. Which Biden's appointee as CofS for the Air Force completely disregards.

    Yeah, we're boned.

  2. JeffS, a solid high school education in those days was miles better than college educations of today. Yes, we are boned.

  3. It used to be, for a long time, that science and engineering degrees were the ones you could count on if you were looking for people with genuinely useful knowledge. These days, I'm not so sure, what with the Legion of the Victimized claiming that even basic mathematical concepts are somehow racist.

  4. Air Force... fly a plane? Sorry, what?

    Excuse us, we're conducting mandatory diversity and anti-racism training here!

  5. Paco, the trend for science and engineering degrees is not good.

    As Rebecca noted, high school degrees used to more than adequate. I knew a genuine redneck turned road maintenance manager who could think circles around college trained engineers. He graduated HS in 1947, in rural Wyoming.

    Now? It’s bad. Very bad.
